Thursday, July 26, 2012

And the winner is....

Good morning!  I apologize for not getting to the drawing yesterday, after work my son had football practice and that calls for a late night.  I really thought I would be able to do this from my phone, I just haven't quite figured how to do it all yet!
For the drawing on the Seattle Slouchy Beanie, we had three entries.  I ran the names through and the winner is!  Please respond to the email in the next couple days so we can get your new hat to you!  For the second and third place, I have set up a coupon code for you to get 50% off your first beanie! 
Thank you so much for playing along!  This week I will do a giveaway of a Hailey Headband!  Please keep an eye out for the post :)
*Sorry for the horrible picture, took it with my phone and attached*

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