Monday, June 11, 2012

Messy Monday

Seems like Mondays are usually cleaning days :(  I would so much rather be crafting or out taking pictures!  But I am getting a few things accomplished.  A little laundry.  Some dusting.  Sprayed the garage with bug spray.  And unpacked a few boxes.  Yes, I moved 3 months ago.  Yes, I still have a lot of boxes hiding in the spare room and on the loft.  Yes, I will get to them!  I am "simplifying" as I go through them though.  I have set aside BOXES full of stuff to have a garage sale, and getting the "garbage" stuff that got packed thrown out.  It is a bit of a relief to see things thin out. 

On another note, we are being invaded by ants!  It seems I can spray, it will last about 3 days and BOOM they are back!  I don't know what else to do at this point... the dog food is in a sealed container, and they are still coming back.  Maybe a new container?  Maybe it's not sealing enough?  I hate bugs.  I really hate bugs.  I've never had this problem in any other house... is that a sign we need to move... again?!  I hope not!

Ok, I've sat long enough.  Back to work!
Hope you all have a fantastic Monday!!

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