Tonight I made a margarita! No, not real margaritas. I made a natural body scrub, and it smells delicious! I can't wait to try it out. I also finished the coconut face scrub. It has a very light scent, which is perfect for my face. My face is pretty picky on the products I was. It seems like the most natural ones work the best. I'll follow up next week and let you know how well it works! Here are a few pictures of the product while I was making it tonight!
Night everyone!
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Bows, bows, and more BOWS!
If you would like one in another color that isn't listed, just email me or send me a convo thru etsy. I have a ROOM full of yarn, every color imaginable. When I say room, I mean it. I have at least 8 of the large rubbermaid tubs full, and then there are baskets of yarn in just about every room of my house. I'm sure my husband would prefer me to keep it in one area. But you NEVER know when you just want to pick it up and start making something. :)
Monday, June 11, 2012
Messy Monday
On another note, we are being invaded by ants! It seems I can spray, it will last about 3 days and BOOM they are back! I don't know what else to do at this point... the dog food is in a sealed container, and they are still coming back. Maybe a new container? Maybe it's not sealing enough? I hate bugs. I really hate bugs. I've never had this problem in any other house... is that a sign we need to move... again?! I hope not!
Ok, I've sat long enough. Back to work!
Hope you all have a fantastic Monday!!
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Insomnia is good sometimes...
Last night I just could NOT get to sleep. So, I stayed up and watched the last couple episodes of Once Upon a Time that I needed to catch up on. I also got some crafting done. I made a pair of slippers for my daughter, 3 washcloths, 2 bow headbands and a chapstick case! The headbands are going to get listed in the shop soon. I had 3 or 4 more, but my daughter snagged them. Hopefully tonight I will get a few more done in different colors, she said she loves them so I hope you all do too. Here are a couple pictures for now.
Happy Sunday!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Shop is updated!
I've been busy this week getting things made. I've updated the shop and added 14 new items. I have a few more things that I need to get pictures of and list also. I'm looking for some new ideas on things to add, so if you have ideas, let me know what you would like to see.
Here are a couple pictures of some things I've got finished.
Have a great day!