Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Is it really April?

I can't believe that April is half over already.  Really?  This year has just flown by.  Yet, I feel I have got NOTHING accomplished this year.  And I really haven't.  I was really hoping to get my photography back up and running.  But since I was rear ended in January, I'm running in slow motion. All. The. Time.  IT SUCKS!  I am thankful that I'm healthy and able to recover.  Even though I still have pain daily.  Some days I can't even get the dishes done.  *sigh*  OK, enough complaining! :)
I have been working on some projects.  I will get pictures up soon.  I have sent a few items out to photographers to get some nice pictures in return.  If you are wanting any custom orders, I am still accepting.  Please be in mind that depending on the project, it may take me a little longer since my shoulders and arms get tired quicker.  I can give you approximate time when inquiring.   Here is a blanket that I started, I'm a little further now.  I thought it was turning out pretty well, but both my husband and son don't like the green and blue together.  Now, I'm not sure whether to continue and post for sale or rip it apart and do different colors.  What do you think? 
Well everyone, I'm off to get dinner finished and go to football practice!
Have a good night!