Friday, September 16, 2011

First post!

Good morning! 
I've decided with all the craziness that's been going on in my life, I would start posting pictures of what I'm currently working on here.  Facebook gets a little insane.  So... I am planning on doing random giveaways at least twice a month!  No particular day, so that means you will have to come back and check in!  Or you can always sign up on the left to get email updates. 

I won't be posting my current projects until next week sometime.  If you know me, you know why.  I would like to share with you a new treasury that my dear friend Tara put together this morning on Etsy. I love it, since Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday :)  With Christmas right there behind it.

Check it out here: TARA'S TREASURY

Have a fabulous day!