Friday, December 30, 2011

Coffee Cozy in pink :)

I've been working on some more cozies in different colors. I've got a bunch ready to ship, I just need to get more pictures done and get them posted! Here is one in PINK and I also have a red mix ready too. Great for the next holiday coming.... VALENTINE'S DAY! I have to say, with the year I have had, I'm looking forward to 2012 and praying that it is going to be a great year!

On another note, I got tickets for Christmas to take my husband to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra... It was AMAZING! I highly advise anyone to see them if they come through your town. Next time, I'm taking the whole family. I am glad for the night out with my best friend, but it is definately and experience I want my kids to enjoy also.
So, with that, I'm going to say GOOD NIGHT and I hope you all have a happy and safe New Year!

PS. Keep an eye out for new pics of my new obsession.... BOOT CUFFS! LOL!!

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Coupon code!

Tis the season for Christmas shopping!! I am almost done shopping for my family :) YA!!! This is a first. Usually my husband and I are doing it all last minute. For all of you that are still looking for that something special, I have created a 15% off coupon for in my shop, just use the code ELVES and it will be added to your cart. I would love to do a custom order for you, just shoot me an email or etsy convo and we can discuss the details.

Happy shopping!!
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Friday, September 16, 2011

First post!

Good morning! 
I've decided with all the craziness that's been going on in my life, I would start posting pictures of what I'm currently working on here.  Facebook gets a little insane.  So... I am planning on doing random giveaways at least twice a month!  No particular day, so that means you will have to come back and check in!  Or you can always sign up on the left to get email updates. 

I won't be posting my current projects until next week sometime.  If you know me, you know why.  I would like to share with you a new treasury that my dear friend Tara put together this morning on Etsy. I love it, since Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday :)  With Christmas right there behind it.

Check it out here: TARA'S TREASURY

Have a fabulous day!